Happy Holidays from everyone at Borchert Field!
The story behind our seasonal photo is here.
Welcome to BorchertField.com, the online museum of the American Association Milwaukee Brewers, 1902-1952
Because Milwaukee was playing baseball long before 1953.
Dear Chet,The letter has unfortunately become separated from its enclosures over the intervening years, but we can still piece together much of its story.
Enclosed please find your check from the Boston Club to cover salary due you through August 31st, together with your recall notice. I am also enclosing a couple of letters which arrived after you left.
Chet, the Boston Club will handle your entire contract from September 1st on. I have already informed them that we paid you through August 31st at $450.00 per month and they'll take it up from there.
Sorry Kitty and I didn't get a chance to see you once more before you took off in that big DC-6. Hope your trip to Boston was a nice one and not too rough. We all missed you the very first thing Saturday and I guess Dave missed having someone to pound around on every morning.
Played a couple of games of cribbage with Kitty this afternoon - skunked her the first and won the second also. Will certainly miss those card games we used to have and sincerely hope you can make it back to these parts sometime this fall or winter. We can all have a ride in your new high-powered job at that same time. You forgot to take your cards with you, so we have sent them on to you, along with some photographs that were sent to you from Columbus. By the way, you owe us $4.42 on the pictures, so maybe you can send us a money order for them.
Kitty, Joe and I took Dave out for a spaghetti dinner last night and then on to the depot. We had a fine time, but hated to see him go as we did you.
Lots of luck to you and Dave, now. We'll be watching for news from Boston and we promised Dave we'd drop down to Chicago next year when the Braves play the Cubs. Hope your arm is coming along real well.Regards from all,
Watch for Brewer Opening in Milwaukee County's New Stadium!1952 was the final year of pro baseball in Borchert Field. Beginning with the 1953 season, the Brewers would move into their new home at the former Story Quarry.
'Give 'Em a Gag as Well as a Game' – That's Veeck's Brewer Lure
Prexy Bill's Side-Splitting Sideshows Putting Merry Click in Milwaukee GateBy SAM LEVY
Of Milwaukee JournalMILWAUKEE, Wis.—There is never a dull moment at Borchert Field, historic home of the Milwaukee American Association Brewers. Bill Veeck has kept his patrons interested with his original gags and corny presentations. It is Sport Shirt Bill's proud boast that the customer must receive more than a ball game. Everything he does seems to be appreciated by the good burghers of the town, who may ring the turnstyles to the tune of 300,000 admissions this season.
One year ago, Beeck offered the "old country store" routine as an added attraction. It was a surprise party for the customers, who received special awards in the form of a cake of ice, poultry, fruit and sundry other articles. A month or so ago, he decided to stage a Dr. I.Q. program at a Sunday double-header. Sport Shirt Bill was one of the interrogators. His general manager, Rudy Schaffer, filled a similar role, and Mickey Heath, the former Brewer manager-first baseman and at present broadcaster of Brewer games, was the "doctor."
Mickey, Veeck and Schaffer wore cap and gown. On the field, seated on a dias, were three newspapermen, who acted as judges. Prizes included cases of beer, poultry, love birds, guinea pigs, fish, cases of fruit, watermelons. "I'll come up with something else in a few weeks," Veeck promised. About a month later he decided to incorporate a bit of vaudeville. He called in a booking agent.
"Get me the best wire-walking act around these parts," Veeck told the agent.
"I've got just the man you want," said the booker.
Came the afternoon of the show. High above the advertisements, atop the right field scoreboard, the wire walker started to rig up his apparatus. He had strung a row of electric lights above the wire when along came Veeck.
"What's the idea of that short wire?" roared the man in the sport shirt.
"It's about 40 feet long," answered the performer, a man of 60.
"Forty feet! Is that all?" shouted Veeck. "Why, my little boy, 3 years old, could walk that blindfolded. I want you to string your wire from the right field fence over to the light poles (near center field, a distance of about 500 feet). That'll make a high-class act."
The performer won out, but his booking agent got a severe tongue-lashing from Sport Shirt Bill.
Claims made game too commerical
"Baseball people made the game too commercial," chirps Veeck. "They followed an old routine and gave the customer the silent treatment once he came through the gate. I believe the fan is entitled to more consideration and that's why I like to offer added entertainment occassionally.
"Earlier in the year, you'll remember, we formed a quartette among our players and they offered a musical program at home plate. The fans liked it. They learned that Herschel Martin could tickle the keys of a piano with the same dexterity he swings a bat."
Veeck believes in being distinctly original. He created the morning game which, he will tell you without blushing the least bit, was appropriated by a few big-league clubs. Sport Shirt Bill has staged three games for Rosie the Riveter and her boy friends on the swing shifts in Milwaukee war plants. Play started at 10 o'clock. On entering Borchert Field, the fans received breakfast food and a bottle of milk.
Veeck marches through the wooden stands, visits his early patrons and gets their reactions to his ideas. They all seem to like him. They like Bill because he and Jolly Cholly Grimm, the affable Brewer manager, removed the crepe from Borchert Field in June, 1941, and since then the old town has been a humming baseball center.
One of the funniest incidents of the current season took place at a morning game in June. Back of third base was an old WPA outhouse. Down in left field alongside the wooden fence was an old-fashioned iron bed. Before the umpires called play Red Smith, first aide to Grimm, was paged over the public address system. Smith finally was "awakened" from his slumbers and he left the old bed and headed for the infield, dressed in a nightgown. When he reached third base he discovered the Chick Sale mansion and entered. Then he reappeared on the field, removing his nightgown, under which was his baseball uniform.Fantastic, to see how Veeck's sideshow was viewed at the time.
Brewer players find pleasure working for the Veeck-Grimm combination. No Brewer club in the long history of the league has had such liberal allowances in the way of hotels, meals and taxicab travel on trips. Recently the club played two exhibition games in one day—in two different towns. The players didn't grumble a bit. The next day, an off day, each was notified that he could buy a hat—on the house.
That's the Veeck-Grimm way.
Our team is passing on review,
"Boy oh boy" how they came thru,
That's why we're all here today,
With a hip, hip hip "Hoo-ray"
The flag that we are craving
Now is proudly waving.
Our team's leading the "Hit" parade.
And "oh boy" what a "Hit" they've made.
See them how they're plugging
When they start in slugging.
All the others are in the shade,
When they meet us they're all afraid.
They go out swinging, can't touch our flinging,
Our team leads them all.
The Brewers' new manager, Casey Stengel (left), tries on a Milwaukee cap Saturday in the clubhouse at Borchert field as Coach Red Smith holds a mirror and Charley Grimm looks on. Grimm, who resigned Friday, will take over his new post as manager of the Chicago Cubs Sunday, the same day Stengel becomes boss of the Brewers.I love the composition of this photo, especially the twinkle in Casey's eye as he dons the Brewers' classic dark blue cap with red "M", looking directly into the lens via the mirror.
Can you imagine those Brewers muscling in our Hipper Dipper? Of course we can't blame Nick. Money speaks and when they lay a $10,000 offer in front of you, you just grab the pen and scratch, that's all. Nick will be drawing down the same pay Casey Stengel got last year as Milwaukee's field chief.Cullop was stepping to some big shoes as the Brewers' third manager in two years, following Stengel and before him Charlie Grimm in the Orchard's dugout.
Baseballs hit into the grandstand and returned by fans will be sent to the various Army Camps for their service teams. Requests for baseballs are received daily by the Brewers, so kindly co-operate by giving the ball to your nearst usher for deposit in the service basket.On the third page, we check in with Veeck himself, who was then recovering in California from injuries suffered while he was in the Marines and who had "hopes of returning to Milwaukee sometime this summer".
Physicians and other persons expecting calls during the ball game are requested to leave their name and the location of seats they are occupying at the office under the grandstand. Please co-operate with us to keep paging over the Borchert Field loud speaker system to an absolute minimum.And with that, the 1945 season was underway!